Sunday, March 4, 2007

Out on my own

March 2. 2007
I've been feeling a little out of sorts ever since I got here (whether it's jet lag or the wierd atmosphere of Khao San road, I don't know), but I decided it would be in my best interests to get back to my daily morning yoga routine, starting today. Every time I get back into the habit, I can't remember why I ever stopped...Yoga is THE best way to start the day. A bonus to doing yoga in Thailand is that you basically get to do Bikram's (hot yoga) for FREE! The 2nd best thing about waking up in Thailand is getting a COLD shower. I have never enjoyed a shower more in my life than I did this morning. OK well maybe I have but it wouldn't have been on my own. Ha ha. (Censor that part mom and dad... bahahah :-)

We (Ken, the Ladnerites and I) enjoyed a fantastic breakfast of fried rice and orange mango smoothies from the street vendors all for 40B ($1). I decided to head off to Bill's place in Bang Saen ASAP as I was eager to get out on my own after having being pampered and guided around by Ken since my arrival. (Bill Beamish is a professor emeritus at the University of Guelph who now works at the Burapha University in Bang Saen, about 80km southeast of Bangkok on the Gulf. He is the brother of a colleague of my mom's, and pretty much the most perfect host I could ask for seeing as he is an incredibly accomplished researcher and biologist, and knows his way around this part of Thailand with the help of his Thai wife Chuntee. Ken and I parted ways and I felt the familar rush of blood to my limbs and my brain that always happens when I'm in a new place on my own. I flagged down the bus (that's what you do here, there aren't really traditional stops) and you scamper through traffic to hop on!!

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